Pre-order ✨

Our products are designed in-house. When you place an pre-order with us, you are securing a slot for the item while it is being manufactured at our factory.

  • Allows us to understand demand and place just enough stocks for designs. This in turns help to reduces waste and chances of dead stocks. 🌎

  • Those who place an pre-order will guarantees you a piece of the item you been eyeing for. 💕

  • How does it works?

    Once a pre-order collection is launched, shop from our web store and place an order like how you usually do.

  • How long do i need to wait?

    Once pre-order has closed, it will take anywhere between 4-8 weeks’ for it to arrive. Freight conditions, factory’s schedule, workmanship will affect the arrival time of the pre-orders. We strive our best to adhere to the estimated waiting time but we seek your utmost understanding should there be any unforeseen delays.

  • When will i know the arrival of my preorder?

    We will periodically update on the individual product listing page. You may check back to the respective pages for updates.

    We will also share updates on our socials, so do follow us!

  • How will my shipping be calculated if i purchase an in stock and a pre-order item?

    Items will only be shipped out together upon arrival of the pre-order item. If you prefer to have your items shipped out separately, please make 2 separate orders. For assistance, please contact us at


Feel free to reach out to us at or send us an email via the button below.

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